Friday 18 March 2016

How To Add Veggies Into Your Smoothie Without The Taste & Our Favorite Smoothies

With Spring just around the corner it's time to ditch our hearty soups for something more light and refreshing and what better way to get your five a day than a smoothie?!

There is a major disbelief that adding vegetables to your smoothie will give it a horrible taste however this is simply not the case! If you are wanting the health benefits of a green smoothie without a bitter tastes here are our tips on how!

Add flavorful fruits to mask the vegetables such as berries such as strawberries, raspberries and blueberries!

You can also add vanilla bean into your smoothie or caco powder (raw chocolate) to add a more sweet and familiar taste

Add a small amount of vegetables to your smoothie at a time to get used to the taste and increase this over time

You can use more subtle vegetables such as avocado to add a rich and creamy texture to your smoothie!

If your are looking for delicious smoothies on campus at RGU why not try Savse Smoothies? A new brand we have had on campus since January has proved to be a huge hit! The team at Savse were kind enough to host a sampling during the ReFreshers Fayre which went down a treat. There are a variety of flavors all full of health benefits! Lots of vegetables but with a sweet taste!

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