Tuesday 12 December 2017

Winterise your Health

Winterise for your health
With cold weather here to stay we all need a survival guide to staying healthy in the winter months. Here are some top  tips to get winterised for your health.
Get Enough Vitamin D
Vitamin D from the sun’s rays helps to jumpstart our body’s natural defences. But during the colder, shorter days of winter getting vitamin D from the food we eat becomes even more important. Make up for the lack of sunlight with Vitamin D from low fat dairy products, whole grain cereals and oily fish like salmon or tuna. Also, brave the cold and get outside for a natural dose of the sunshine vitamin.
Snack Smart
With wintertime being indoor time, we tend to snack more. So set a regular snack-time as part of your daily routine and stick to it. This will help you avoid mindless snacking, especially around the holidays. And always try to include fruit and vegetables as part of your snacks.
Boost Your Immunity
Improve your chances of staying healthy all winter long with immune boosting foods. A balanced diet that includes foods high in antioxidant vitamins A, C and E is a great way to help build your defences. Try sweet potatoes and carrots for vitamin A. Get your vitamin E from nuts and fortified cereals and eat citrus fruits to provide a daily dose of Vitamin C. For all three antioxidant vitamins in one power food, go for spinach.
Move Indoors
If you prefer to exercise indoors rather than brave the cold; consider a workout video featuring your favourite dance routine. Dance videos range from ballet to ballroom and from Latin to hip-hop. If dance isn’t your thing, try yoga, Pilates or a gym session.
Gear Up For Winter Safety
Avoid injury during inclement weather. Make sure that your shoes or boots are waterproof and built for traction on ice and snow. Layer up with clothes that make it fun to go outside for a walk, even when the thermometer drops.
Keep Your Skin Healthy This Winter
Avoiding dry chapped skin during the winter months can be a challenge. Meet the challenge head on. Follow these tips to winterise for healthier skin. Moisturise for the Season Choose oil based moisturisers over water based for maximum protection. Oil based moisturisers form a layer of protection for your skin.
Keep Up Your Sun Cream Routine
Keep applying sun cream to the few areas that are exposed to the sun when you’re out in cold weather for extended periods of time. Your face and hands still need protection from UV rays during the winter. Some sun creams can also help protect your skin from exposure to wind, snow and cold.
Invest In A Humidifier
Heating your home during the winter months can remove moisture from the air. This dry heat can wreak havoc on your skin. Use a humidifier to replace the moisture and lessen the likelihood of chapped skin from dry indoor heat.
Seal Your Lips
Chapped lips are a common side effect of cold weather. Arm yourself with lip balm before chapping becomes uncomfortable. Lip balms that include wax or lanolin as the main ingredient soothe and provide a barrier to help moisture from escaping. Apply lip balm frequently and liberally all winter long and kiss chapped winter lips goodbye.
Hot Beverage Warm-ups
A hot drink is the perfect antidote for a cold day. Here are some simple ways to winterise for your health at the coffee bar.
Go for the skinny option
Espresso based drinks like lattes, cappuccinos and flat whites are concentrated shots of coffee with steamed milk added. Their milk content provides a calcium and vitamin D boost. So when you warm up with an espresso treat, cut calories by asking for skimmed milk and try and avoid adding sugar.
Try a Herbal Tea for A Change
There are a number of great herbal and fruit tea’s available in supermarkets and coffee shops including peppermint, camomile and lemon and ginger. These type of tea’s are caffeine free and low calorie so are a great way to keep hydrated

1 comment:

  1. Cold weather can comes with infections and allergy. To fight against infections and boosting immunity the immunity herbal supplements can be very helpful.
