Wednesday 24 January 2018

Healthy Eating on a Budget

If you have a tight budget , it can seem hard to maintain a Healthy Balanced diet. However there are lots of ways you can shop, eat and cook smartly instead of reaching for unhealthy meals.
Eat lots of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables (5-7 portions per day) , good quality protein, fish, omega 3 rich foods, high fibre carbohydrates, low fat dairy and not too much fat.
Top 10 tips to eat Healthy on a budget
1. Shop around & Buy own Brand
2. Create weekly menu
3. Pay in cash - to avoid exceeding with card
4. Prepare Shopping lists
5. Be Saturated Fat and Salt Savvy - see signs around Campus
6. Look out for loyalty cards - save on Coffee & Soup
7. Don't shop hungry
8. Club together with Housemates
9. Shop once per week
10. Fill the Freezer
When Eating on Campus , see top tips to choose healthy options:
Look out for "Eat Well" Leaf
Choose healthy hot options such as stir fries & extra vegetables
Make use of the Salad Bars
Put sauces/gravy's/dressings on the side
Choose options that are baked not fried
Opt for tomato based dishes instead of creamier dishes
Choose vegetarian options - these are packed full of protein & nutrients and can be lower in fat
Healthy Meal ideas:
Stir Fries, Healthy Rolls/Sandwiches filled with rolls, Pasta & Protein pots, Baked Potato & Beans, Healthy Soups & Cous Cous Salads.
All available around campus!!

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