Friday, 8 January 2016

How To Stay Motivated With Healthy New Years Resolutions

Welcome back!

We hope you all enjoyed your Christmas and New Year festivities. We are now back from our holidays with our weekly blog posts again and this weeks topic is focusing on how to stay motivated with new years resolutions.

Many of us overindulge during the festive seasons/winter months in general so new years resolutions are a great way to give yourself a goal to be healthier and maybe shift those extra pounds from Christmas. This could also be general health resolutions such as quitting smoking or drinking, whatever your resolution may be good for you wanting to better your health and life!

However we all know staying motivated particularity with the January blues can be very hard, after a few weeks it can become easy to fall of the bandwagon. So we have some quick tips to help keep you motivated and on track!


It's A Lifestyle Choice, Not Just A Quick Fix- Improving your diet should be a lifestyle change for the better and a permanent goal you wish to keep. Having the mentality to only eat healthy to loose a certain amount of weight or for a set period of time will make you impatient- this is where many people fall and quit after a few weeks. Remember eating healthy and exercising isn't shouldn't be done just to make you look good or drop a dress size (but it is an added bonus!) its primarily for your health helping give you a long happy life! This should be your goal to help you stay on track for the long run.

Don't Go Cold Turkey!- With new years resolutions many of us can go overboard and completely cut out all junk food and restrict our intake to an unachievable amount. Going cold turkey can lead to constant cravings making it very hard and often leads to a binge of bad food after depriving yourself completely. We recommend to start of slowly such as cutting out crisps, then moving onto another food such as chocolate etc. However DO NOT stop eating treats all together- good health is about balance, we can all have a little treat once in a while it's simply about moderation. Having a balanced diet will not only  keep you on the track to a healthy lifestyle for the long term but will keep you satisfied too!

If You Make A Mistake Don't Give Up!- We all make mistakes we are only human. If you slip up on your diet or exercise regime don't be too  hard on yourself, we put some much pressure on new years resolutions that we often feel terrible if we break them. The best thing you can do is shake it off and start fresh, don't simply give up, just take it day by day and remember to reward yourself for doing well.

Don't Over Exercise!- If building on your fitness is your new years resolution for 2016 please remember to be safe and to not over do it! Exercise is a great tool to build your self esteem, mental health and above all key in working toward a long healthy lifespan. That being said if you are not a gym bunny as of yet as with diet take it slowly start of once a week and build it up. Over exercising can become addictive and could result in bad consequence for your health. Fitness does not come overnight it takes time and determination which means when you improve it will be even more satisfying!

So remember stay motivated and don't give up we believe in you! Next week we will be continuing our health kick for January and discussing how to lose weight the healthy and safe way.

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