We all know by now that we should be aiming for at least 1.5 litres (or 6-8 glasses) of water per day but are we achieving this on a daily basis?
If you’re one of the people that thinks they are not hopefully our 5 top reasons to hydrate might convince you to up your water intake!
Are you getting enough? You should drink water even when you don’t feel thirsty as by the time you do your body has lost between 2 to 5 cups of water.
Unable to concentrate? When you are dehydrated your attention and concentration can decrease by 13% and short term memory by 7%. Drinking six to eight glasses a day helps to improve your concentration. Your body is 50- 60% water, so by drinking six to eight glasses a day, your body can function properly.
Feeling peckish, snacking all the time? Have a glass of cold water when you start to feel hungry. People often confuse mild feelings of thirst with mild hunger. Eat more fruit and vegetables each day. They are good for you and are 80-90% water. Drinking water can help manage weight by curbing the appetite and it is calorie free!
Exercise and increased temperatures result in higher demand for water. Drinking water before, during and after any physical activity helps keep your heart rate and body temperature lower. When the weather gets hotter your body loses more water. You should drink additional water each day to compensate for this loss.
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