Monday, 7 November 2016

Women's Health & Essential Nutrition

Hello everyone! It is hard to believe that we are now into November! This month is particularly exciting as it is Movember. If you are unaware Movember is a month where men across the world grow facial hair for charity or men and women exercise for the month to raise funds for charity to.o. The whole month is focused on tackling male health issues such as prostate and testicular cancer as well as male mental health.

If you have been reading our blog for a while you would know last year we ran a campaign for Movember and did an interview with Ian Webster the RGU Accommodation & Catering Manager about how he was raising funds this year and why it was important to him. This year we thought we would do something a bit different and tackle Women's Healthy specifically looking at essential nutrition.

In our Healthy For Life Guide below you will see we have looked at the topics of energy, strong bones, healthy hearts and brain boosters to name but a few including recipes that you can make from home packed full of essential vitamins and nutrients!

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